Sunday, January 4, 2015

Top 10 Fairy Tail Characters in 8 Different Categories

Top 10 Powerhouses

First off, we'll start by looking at the wizards with the highest magical power.
10. Laxus
Rating: 10/10
9. Bluenote
Rating: 10/10
8. Jura
Rating: 10/10
7. Jellal
Rating: 10/10
6. Makarov
Rating: 11/10
5. Gildarts
Rating: 11/10
4. Hades
Rating: 11/10
3. Mard Geer
Rating: 11/10
2. Mavis
Rating: 11/10
1. Zeref
Rating: 11/10

Top 10 Speedsters

Now let's look at the fastest mages currently.
10. Erza
Rating: 8/10
9. Jet
Rating: 9/10
8. Bacchus
Rating: 9/10
7. Rogue
Rating: 9/10
6. Racer
Rating: 9/10
5. Sayla
Rating: 9/10
4. Mirajane
Rating: 9/10
3. Mard Geer
Rating: 9/10
2. Jellal
Rating: 10/10
1. Laxus
Rating: 10/10

Top 10 Masterminds

Have you ever wondered who the smartest people in Fiore are? 
10. Rufus
Rating: 9/10
9. Hades
Rating: 9/10
8. Makarov
Rating: 9/10
7. Zeref
Rating: 9/10
6. Mystogan
Rating: 9/10
5. Levy
Rating: 9/10
4. Mavis
Rating: 9/10
3. Jellal
Rating: 9/10
2. Hibiki
Rating: 9/10
1. Zero/Brain
Rating: 9/10

Top 10 Engines

Many Fairy Tail characters are known for their immense stamina, but who's at the top?
10. Jura
Rating: 9/10
9. Jellal
Rating: 9/10
8. Natsu
Rating: 9/10
7. Bluenote
Rating: 10/10
6. Laxus
Rating: 10/10
5. Erza
Rating: 10/10
4. Hades
Rating: 10/10
3. Mard Geer
Rating: 10/10
2. Gildarts
Rating: 11/10
1. Zeref
Rating: 11/10

Top 10 Hard Men

Besides stamina, many FT characters also have great durability.
10. Laxus
Rating: 9/10
9. Tempesta
Rating: 9/10
8. Bluenote
Rating: 10/10
7. Torafusa
Rating: 10/10
6. Jura
Rating: 10/10
5. Gildarts
Rating: 10/10
4. Hades
Rating: 10/10
3. Makarov
Rating: 10/10
2. Mard Geer
Rating: 10/10
1. Zeref
Rating: 11/10

Top 10 Muscleman

Muscular men are all over the country of Fiore, but just who are the strongest wizards physically?
10. Gajeel
Rating: 10/10
9. Natsu
Rating: 10/10
8. Bacchus
Rating: 10/10
7. Elfman
Rating: 10/10
6. Laxus
Rating: 10/10
5. Bluenote
Rating: 10/10
4. Jura
Rating: 10/10
3. Hades
Rating: 10/10
2. Gildarts
Rating: 10/10
1. Makarov
Rating: 11/10

Top 10 Combatants

Many wizards are known for their hand-to-hand combat skills as well.
10. Mirajane
Rating: 9/10
9. Torafusa
Rating: 10/10
8. Zancrow
Rating: 10/10
7. Gajeel
Rating: 10/10
6. Natsu
Rating: 10/10
5. Azuma
Rating: 10/10
4. Laxus
Rating: 10/10
3. Bluenote
Rating: 10/10
2. Bacchus
Rating: 10/10
1. Gildarts
Rating: 10/10

Top 10 Swordsmen... and women

There might not be as many swordsmen as there are combatants, but we still have to make this list.
10. Ultear
Rating: 8/10
9. Jellal
Rating: 8/10
8. Totomaru
Rating: 9/10
7. Gray
Rating: 9/10
6. Freed
Rating: 9/10
5. Yomazu
Rating: 10/10
4. Pantherlily
Rating: 10/10
3. Ikaruga
Rating: 10/10
2. Kagura
Rating: 11/10
1. Erza
Rating: 11/10